Is it Fulfillment or a Title?

Is it Fulfillment or a Title?

While at the gym recently, a member asked me if I am fulfilled.

I am a mother, a wife, a puppy mom, a small business owner, a volunteer, an advocate, a writer, the Member Services Director for a local gym and a trainer. Am I fulfilled? Click To Tweet

I have an advanced degree, I continually push myself out of my comfort zone and I routinely accept new challenges…but am I fulfilled?

What is fulfilled?

One thing I am is tired.  Absolutely fucking exhausted.  I tend to overextend myself and forget to stay in the moment.  I feel as though I can do many things, however, I am not sure I do any of them well.  Is that fulfillment?

For me, fulfillment is a sense of accomplishment.  When I received my BSW, I was accomplished.  I barely graduated from high school with a diploma, so receiving a college degree was pretty cool. However, I wanted more.  For me, there is a sense of never reaching a goal because I keep changing where the golden ring is placed.  I keep setting the bar higher and higher.

Is that a bad thing?  I don’t believe so.  I am not one to be content.  I have an internal drive within me that pushes me to do more and be more.  However, I am not afraid to stop and do nothing and sometimes I shut down and do just that.  I restore, I connect with God, I connect with my family and I just let myself be.

But the next day I am up and moving toward another unseen goal.

Fulfillment in a title

For me, fulfillment is an illusion.  It is something people strive for when they continue to push themselves into new and scary adventures.  It is something external that they strive for.  Perhaps it is confused with recognition or accolades.

For me, fulfillment is internal.  What’s fulfilling for me is when my children recognize how hard their mom works.  My boys often ask how many businesses I own or where I am working as I drive them to school.  More importantly, my boys participate in my businesses and I hope I am teaching them a strong work ethic.

What I find fulfilling is when I hear my son tell me he loves me and he puts his little arms around my neck.  I may be many things, but the golden ring goes to the title of being a mother.  After years of being a child abuse specialist, knowing that I am impacting the lives of these living and breathing littles is indeed fulfilling.

Of all the titles, degrees and businesses I add to my name, being called mommy, mom, and mama are at the top of the list.  And I will continue to strive to be what God has trusted me to be.  And I will pray often for His guidance in helping me be who the boys need.  Everything I work for is done around my boys.  I am the first person they see when they awaken and I am the last person they see before they close their eyes at night.

For me, that is fulfillment.  So in answer to my client’s question. Am I fulfilled? Yes, I can confidently say that I am.

They lied – A MLM mom Confession

They lied – A MLM mom Confession

I am THAT mom.  Four years ago I signed up to be an It Works Rep and I have a confession, several, actually.  I absolutely love what I do!  That being said, this business isn’t for the faint of heart.  Intrigued?  Read on.

Confession, They lied

If someone tells you this business is easy, they are flat out lying to you Click To Tweet Unless you love hearing the word NO twenty times a day.  If you are afraid of what others think of you, this business probably isn’t for you.  And if you can’t handle people not returning your messages, texts or calls. you may need to look at working somewhere else.


Let me tell you It is not easy money either.  The money does not just fall into your lap.  You will not get rich within one month.  Of course, there are always the exceptions, those who rise to the top quickly, and their stories are phenomenal!  But they are not the norm.  It takes practice, it takes belief, and it takes determination.  The majority of people quit before they even give it a chance.

Confession, It’s Worth It

Is it worth it?  YES!  I will emphatically tell you yes, it is.  WHEN you choose to invest in yourself ( because let’s be honest, when you purchase a business, you are investing in you) the benefits far outweigh the negatives.  In most instances, when you purchase your business, you also purchase training and support.  IF you actually do your training (the majority do not) and IF you connect with your company and your team (the majority do not), your will be on your way to an amazing journey.

You will learn to integrate your business into your life.  You will have opportunities to stretch yourself in ways you never before considered.  In most cases, you will have the chance to connect with people who share your ideal goals and you can learn from watching them in action.

How do you choose?

This may be the most difficult part of your journey.  How do you choose a business that is right for you?  In my experience, the following are key to success:

  • love the products – you must love your products in order to passionately share your results with others.  For me, it is similar to recommending a favorite food or service.  When I find something I love, I feel the need to share it with the world!  After all, everyone should have the opportunity to be as happy as I am!
  • research the company – While many people love to join a company that is starting up, I advise looking for an established one. You can find positive and negative reviews for anything and you need to look past those.  For me, a key point was that my company was debt free and had been for years.  They continue to try to do the same for their distributors.  I also loved that this company is Christian based and I had the opportunity to see this for myself.
  • unique product – Having a product that can only be purchased through you will help you to stand out.  It is far more difficult to sell something that can be purchased at the local department store.  Represent something that is unique.
  • pray about it – it’s scary to make the launch into being a business owner and it isn’t to be taken lightly.  Before I signed on, I researched, talked with my other half and prayed for guidance.  Truth be told, I still do today because my business is about so much more than just me.
  • consider the financial investment – some companies offer a minimal start up fee.  While that may be appealing, be sure you are on board with the products being sold, or you will be throwing your money away.  Look at the compensation plan (it may not make sense when you first look at it, but over time, it will).  You want to be able to make your initial investment back.
  • understand residual income – this is one of the key draws of direct sales.  After all, don’t we all love the opportunity to earn money over and over after one sale?

Confession – It is a Process

You can and should do all of your training, however, the best way for you to be successful is to be consistent.  Trust your upline, your sponsor, your team to guide you.  You will say stupid things that you wish you could take back and that’s ok, it humanizes you.
Self-growth will take you farther than success in your business…it will make your more confident in every aspect of your life.
A brick and mortar store typically takes 5-7 years to see profits.  You can see profits from your Multi level marketing business so much faster by making the decision to work.
So take the chance.  You will never know what you are capable of if you stay in the shadows and watch everyone else.  After all, you are worth it so take charge of your own destiny!



Join Me!

4 yours as investment in ME! Confessions of an MLM mom
Excuses, Which One is Yours?

Excuses, Which One is Yours?

Excuses are an opportunity to fail

Excuses. They are ways we rationalize to ourselves that we can not and will not do something. Click To Tweet The majority of us probably know at least five people who are in direct sales, and many of them have probably asked you to join with them.  In my business, I have heard more excuses than you can imagine, however, the following are the top 5 reasons people don’t join direct sales.  Ready?

 Top 5 Excuses

  1.  I am not a salesperson – um, I said the same thing and quite frankly, I don’t consider myself one either.  That being said, I am a good “sharesperson”.  What’s the difference?  Let me give you an example.  When I go to the salon and get an amazing haircut, I share it with the world.  Why?  Become I want my friends to experience the same thing I just did, therefore I want them to feel as wonderful as I do and I believe that strongly in my stylist.
  2. No time – duh.  NO one takes on a new opportunity because they have time.  People take on new opportunities because they believe in the products and/or the business itself.  And who is today’s world has any extra time?  I don’t.  So, do you want to know a secret?  The busiest people are the MOST successful in direct sales businesses because they have to be.
  3. I don’t know enough people.  I can tell you that your circle will expand tremendously once you start talking. Furthermore, I have met customers at baseball games, grocery stores, events, and via social media.   And by the way?  I don’t like parties.  Yea, I don’t have many parties.  I held launch parties and I have done some dual parties, otherwise, the majority of my business comes from one on ones.  I am so much better at working with someone in a casual setting where we can just chat.
  4. There are too many reps already…this one makes me laugh for two reasons…the first is that it should tell you how much people love our products and the second is…so what?  We all know different people!
  5. No money to start a business. Ok, let’s do some real talk here.  I know how much I spend on coffee alone…take a look at your spending habits and figure out you can miss a few weeks.  If this is important to you, you will make it happen. Another thought…if you truly don’t have the money, then you NEED this opportunity more than most.

Which one was yours?

Did any of those sound familiar?  Let me ask you this, why do you think someone asked you to join their team?  Could it be they see something in you they want to nurture?  Do you think maybe they would love to work directly with you?  Don’t be so quick to disregard them, direct sales business are on the increase.  People are watching and paying attention whilst alternative income streams are becoming the norm.

Next time someone asks you to join them, take a moment to listen.  If you are intrigued, simply ask for more information.  Excuses often stem from fear, so before you make them, look within yourself to assess what you are afraid of.  After all, you may be pleasantly surprised by what happens when you think outside the box.


Are you ready to stop making excuses?

12 + 14 =

Passion Prevails with Bonnie Eisenhart

Passion Prevails with Bonnie Eisenhart

For the majority of us, as we grow older and life becomes busier, we lose sight of our passions.  In this regard, Bonnie Eisenhart is no exception.  From a young age, she was an avid dancer and studied jazz, tap and ballet.  Growing older, she also found a deep seated love of musical theater.  As a result, Bonnie derived immense satisfaction from being on stage and engaging her audience.  Little did she know she would once again be the center of attention with The Barre Code and have her passion reignited.

Upon graduating from high school, Bonnie attended Carthage College in Wisconsin.  Here, Bonnie studied Business while actively participating in both her sorority and the College dance team. These experiences provided a sense of belonging and a flurry of never ending activities.  Graduation brought a move to Chicago and employment in the corporate world where she specialized in property management and functioned within a Global Researching company.  Consequently, as she learned more about business, she found herself missing the social interactions from her former activities.  Therefore, while she was growing professionally, she also felt as though she were lagging in other areas of her life.

Inspiration from The Barre Code

After leaving work one day back in 2010, Bonnie walked by The Barre Code in Chicago and was intrigued.  She was instantly hooked and as a result she began instructing classes 3 months later.   Finally, she discovered what had been missing in her life.  The relationships, the movements, in addition to her own personal growth.  As a result of walking through those days, she discovered what was in her heart, prompting her to continue working in both the corporate and for The Barre Code.  During this time, she studied and within the next 18 months, she was a master trainer.

Fast forward two years and introduce an incredible fiance and a move to Omaha, Nebraska.  With a little research, Bonnie discovered The Barre Code Dundee and reached out.  She was hired with the studio as a Master Trainer, instructing both classes and instructors. These experiences provided the stepping stones to her next adventure.  Hence, in 2017, Bonnie will be opening her own studio, The Barre Code West Omaha.  This will be the place where she will combine her passion and expertise to provide an eclectic wellness program for all ages.

Why Now?

For Bonnie, this is the right place and the right time for her to rise to her next level.  Because The Barre Code is a franchise, she already has corporate support.  In addition to Corporate and her own personal experiences, she now has the ability to create an empowering space designed for all fitness abilities.  With a personal belief in balance, Bonnie understands that moderation is the key to optimum happiness and is careful to balance her own personal life.  Therefore she makes sure to spend quality time with her new husband and her adorable puppy.  In addition, here’s a little known fact, Bonnie is an avid ice cream connoisseur, an indulgence she enjoys to balance her love for fitness.

Why The Barre Code?

Bonnie loves that The Barre Code is designed to meet the unique needs of a women’s body.  The Barre Code provides a low impact workout that can be modified for each individual’s own ability level.   She understands that building strength is imperative for women, particularly as they age, for the prevention of osteoporosis. The entire workout combines cardio, strength training and restoration, allowing a full body workout for optimum benefits.  Of particular importance are the core muscles, which are imperative for good posture, proper form and maintaining balance.

While she instructs her students, Bonnie is carefully monitoring her class participants on proper form.  Therefore she is always ensuring safety and good positioning, again which are critical for optimum function. By doing this, she ensures her client’s increase muscle strength while also building a trusting relationship with her, their instructor.

Why Bonnie?


Bonnie! Passion and Leadership Prevail!

Bonnie derives energy from her students.  She also believes in 3 key elements of instructing:

  • Courtesy – courtesy is extended to every person who enters her studio.  It can be seen between trainers, between trainers and students and among the students themselves.
  • Communication – communication is critical to provide a safe environment.  Bonnie is excellent at letting her students know what to expect, how many reps are left, and encourages each person to push harder.
  • Proactive vs reactive – knowing her students and understanding their individual needs helps Bonnie to teach each student to the best of their own ability.  Honesty is key in building those relationships that allow her to provide her best service possible.

Bonnie admits to being held to high standard by her students.  By holding her to high standards, she is pushed to continually improve upon herself and her skills.  Subsequently, seeing her clients exhilarated after a workout exhilarates Bonnie, also.  As a result, the student’s responses push her to work harder, to push herself more, and to ultimately become a better version of herself.

The Promise

Bonnie extends a promise to each of her students.  She promises that when each and every one of you walk out of her class, you will feel great! How?  She does this by EMPOWERING her students.  Each student is in complete control of their workout while being led by a specially trained instructor.  Upon completion of the workout, each student is guided through a cool down period to prepare them for re-entry into the outside world.

Leaving the studio, you will feel stronger and may even stand taller.  Often, first and second time students feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and have an intense desire to return for more.  The Barre Code provides a safe place for women of all ages to become stronger, leaner, and participate in a community of like-minded people. Let Bonnie's drive empower you to find your next fitness home with The Barre Code West. Click To Tweet

Furthermore, you can find out more about Bonnie and The Barre Code West at:   You may also follow Bonnie on FaceBook for updates on the new studio and follow her evolution.  Feel free to message her and join the mailing list for promotions and special events!  Finally, simply send her a message and introduce yourself to begin the next leg of your fitness journey!



Confidence, Look Within

Confidence, Look Within

Want to know something? I am just like you.  I am a person who feels and worries.  I make mistakes and I struggle. I wonder what others think about me probably the one thing we have most in common is that I lie to myself…wait, what?

How We Lie to Ourselves

While on the outside I smile and usually appear to have it all together, on the inside I question myself.  Furthermore, I question my actions, therefore occasionally worrying about how others will perceive me.  As a result, I have held myself back from my potential.  I have allowed myself to be content, and to become complacent.

When we listen to those old tapes that play endlessly in our brains, we give them power over our actions.  In most cases we are not even aware of their nonstop chatter.

If you don’t think you have them, do this:

  1. Set a time for one minute.
  2. Sit comfortably.
  3. Breathe slowly, in and out.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Think of a dream you have always had but never went after.

60, 59, 58……10, 3, 2, 1.

Why haven’t you followed those dreams?  What was the little voice inside your head telling you?  That you can’t do it? Perhaps you don’t deserve it or rather you aren’t qualified to do it? As a result of those old tapes, many of us have stopped dreaming and allowed life to happen around us, rather than within us. (To learn how to identify those old tapes, go here)

Now What?

Now I want you to envision what your life would have been like had you gone after your dreams…what do you see? How do you feel?

Want to know a secret?  It’s not too late.  Remember Grandma Moses, the famous painter?  She began painting in her 70’s. When most of her friends were sitting idly in the nursing homes watching the minutes ticking by, she developed a new passion and created beauty for nearly 25 years.  What made her different?  I am not sure, but I would guess that she told those old tapes to go F__K themselves.

You have the power to do the same.  You don’t have to settle for less than you were created to be. The phrase “fake it till you make it” makes sense.  When you don’t feel the confidence, you stand tall, put a smile on your face and go for it.  People may scoff, people may laugh and so what?  Let me fill you in on another little known fact.  The people who are doing the mocking are the same ones who are too afraid to take a leap themselves.  If they see you fail, it will reinforce their own insecurities.

Confidence Within

The most successful people I know work hard and put their blinders on.  They don’t care what other people have to say.  If they do feel hurt, they don’t show their pain.  The smile stays and their life moves forward. They have already developed the ability to fake it till they make it and their actions are proof of their determination.

Who do you admire? What characteristics do they have that draws you to them? Imagine what would happen if you mimic their behaviors and with your own twist.  Watch how your life changes thus increasing your confidence with each successful step. Will you ever fail?  Probably, but then again is it really a failure if you learn from it?

In conclusion, just go for it and drop me a line letting me know how you feel! After all, I believe in you!


The many faces of FEAR

The many faces of FEAR

fear lies!
FEAR  defined by Websters
verb, | fear | ˈfir
Definition of FEAR
:to feel fear in (oneself)
:to have a reverential awe of     (fear God)
:to be afraid of :expect with alarm,  fear the worst
:to be afraid or apprehensive    (feared for their lives)
January 1st typically  brings a slew of new resolutions, new goals and new ideas. It is an opportunity to reflect on the previous year, in addition to providing the opportunity to make  some positive changes.  Therefore, every New Year, we tend to stand tall and make  unrealistic resolutions.  Why?  The reasons are endless…regret, illness, injury, poor financial decisions, divorce, death, relocation, weight gain, poor diet, relationship issues, in need of spiritual direction…and fear.


We all have the ability to reach our goals.  Too many times what stands between us and our destination is within ourselves.  Previously, I had written a post about silencing the recurring old tapes in our minds.  In many cases, it is those nasty little comments we silently tell ourselves that stops us from succeeding.  Furthermore, those old tapes stop us dead in our tracks before we even make an effort to do something different than our norm.

Fear of Change

Complacency is comfortable. We are all provided amazing opportunities..however it is what we do with those opportunities that sets us apart from others. Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?  Are you doing it?  What happened to your dreams? For the majority of people, blending in with the crowd continues to be more comfortable.  Therefore anything that makes us stand out puts on too much pressure, hence we stay frozen in place.

New relationships, relocation or even accepting a new position at work can send many of you into an anxiety ridden tailspin.  Why? Because we fear the unknown.  We doubt ourselves.  We are comfortable just where we are and whether we are happy or not fails to play into the dynamics.

Fear of Failure

Much as failure is a part of life, the majority of us don’t handle it well.  I don’t know one person that easily accepts failure.  Essentially, it feels like we are letting those old tapes win and giving credence to anyone who didn’t think we would be successful.  However, what if we changed our perspective?  What if we began to see failure for what it is?  First of all, an opportunity to learn, furthermore an opportunity to improve.

Imagine what would have happened in Michael Jordan gave up when he missed a shot?  We could all learn from his words of wisdom and his determination.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed”. Michael Jordan

Fear of Success

To me, this is the most powerful realm of fear. Virtually everyone I know who has begun a new adventure initially panics and wants to backpedal.  Rather than move forward with blinders on, the majority of us become paralyzed by an inexplicable fear of succeeding.  Why?  What if we do succeed?  First of all, becoming successful further sets us apart from our comfort zone.  Becoming successful draws attention to us and raises people’s expectations, while additionally raising our own expectations.

God gave you the gift of life and an unlimited ability to achieve your dreams.  He did not create you to fail, nor has He instilled fear within you.  It is my opinion that when God places a dream within us, we are to go after it.  Therefore, when we sense a feeling of fear, we need to pray.  We need to reach out to those who support us, and we need to erase those nasty old tapes.

Let’s remember the wise words from an unknown source…

“But what if I fail?

Oh my darling, but what if you fly?”