The Wellness Warrior Blog

I See You

I See You

To the harried mom with two small children.  I see you are tired.  I see you trying to redirect your child from putting everything in your cart.  I see you rolling your eyes while counting to ten.  I see you wanting to ask the cashier to please hurry up so you can...

I'm Sorry

I owe you an apology. I am sorry for my selfishness. I am sorry for not being able to see past myself. You were hurting and I should have been there for you.  I sent words, but I didn't send myself. "I don't do funerals." I don't know one person who enjoys them. I...

Buy the Slide

I have a confession.  I am cheap.  I will save $100 and buy a smaller version of the Refrigerator (I am no longer allowed to choose the appliances in our kitchen, rightly so).  I will go for the lowest premium payment for insurance.  I shop for the least expensive...



Today's world is so different from the world I grew up in.  At the age of four, I was walking carefree and alone around our city block.  By the time I was ten, my friends and I would walk across town to the mall.  We spent our days outside and went hours without our...

Choose your words wisely

Choose your words wisely

We are defined by the words we associate with ourselves.  I am a mommy.  I melt when my boys say my name, even when it is the 400th time that day.  I don't take this position lightly.  Allow me to address a situation that occurred in our life. Earlier this week, my...

Diet or Lifestyle

Diet or Lifestyle

I refuse to diet...after all if you look closely at the word, the first three letters are D I E.  In my opinion, diets are a set up for failure.  If your mind works like mine, once you try to restrict something from your life, that is all you will begin to think...

Confessions from a MLM Mom

Confessions from a MLM Mom

I wasn't looking to own a multi level marketing business.  I especially had no desire to delve into one like It Works.  I was the epitome of a skeptic, I didn't do sales, and I couldn't see myself being successful.  Imagine my surprise when after praying to God,...

Mom’s Next Chapter

And so it begins. Both boys are in school for full days. What is a stay at home mom to do? Start her next chapter. My book is far from finished and every chapter continues to bring new challenges and incredible memories. When I was younger, I could never see myself...

random thoughts…

Summer is for sleeping in, right? Not in my house.  My oldest son, Zach has always been an early riser.  I joke about it being God's sense of humor, since I love to sleep.  We are talking rising early at 5:30 or 6:00 AM....yes, AM! Prior to having children, the only...

Random thoughts

I like to mow the lawn... I love the fact that when I am out moving I can let my thoughts just wander to the drone of the mower.  I could care less about straight lines, although I make an attempt to make them.  I also miss spots, and it is easy to tell when I became...