To the harried mom with two small children.  I see you are tired.  I see you trying to redirect your child from putting everything in your cart.  I see you rolling your eyes while counting to ten.  I see you wanting to ask the cashier to please hurry up so you can just check out.

I see your struggle and trust me, I am not judging you because I have been there.

I have been the mom with two small children trying to check out at the store.  I know how rambunctious littles can be.  I know how exhausting it is to keep telling them “NO” over and over and over without screaming at the top of your lungs and having people stare at you like you are a complete lunatic.  Or having someone threaten to call CPS on you because because your children are “out of control”and you apparently cannot handle them.

Even worse are the looks of pity.  Those looks where you just know people are thinking “that poor woman”.  When you can see them roll their eyes at the behavior of your child and you can almost feel them judging your family.  Those are the days when I would either cringe in embarrassment or simply want to provide a one finger wave in their direction with a wicked little smile.

I have carried my youngest out of the store as he perfected his dramatics with a crying fit of rage.  I have marched my kids back into the store when I discovered they put extra bags of M& M’s in our cart.  I have counted to ten multiple times; I have pushed the cart faster, in hopes of getting through the grocery store quicker.  I have felt embarrassed, angry and incompetent all in one “quick” trip to the store.

So you see, mama?  I know you and I see you.  Please read my thoughts as I let you know that you are doing just fine.  You are a great mom.  It’s OK to be tired.  I know it’s exhausting to repeat the same phrase 50 times within a five minute time period, but keep on doing it.  You got this and to you I give a warm hug, rather than a one finger salute.