I wasn’t looking to own a multi level marketing business.  I especially had no desire to delve into one like It Works.  I was the epitome of a skeptic, I didn’t do sales, and I couldn’t see myself being successful.  Imagine my surprise when after praying to God, researching and talking with my husband, I became a proud owner of my own MLM business.  The following “confessions” are a result of some soul searching that I did last week.  As with anything, businesses also go into slumps and I have been knee deep in one!  So let me share with you some heartfelt thoughts.

😳 I have a confession.
I am vain.
I totally get that I will never be a size 5 again and while I am OK with that, I want to be STRONG 💪and HEALTHY.
I love that the wraps help me tighten tone and firm my skin.
I love that our skin care line helps minimize sun🌞 damage and wrinkles.
I love the supplements that give me energy and the nutrients 🍏🍉🍇🍊🍋🍅🍓🍒my body craves to be healthier.
So when I ask you if you want to try the products, it is not because I think you necessarily NEED them, it is because I truly WANT you to feel as good as I do.
I have never met someone who didn’t want to look or feel better.
After all, when you feel better, you are more confident.
Who doesn’t want that?

Confession #2:
I still get scared👀 to ask you to join my team.
I overthink.
I talk myself out of asking.
I am afraid of rejection.😥
There…it is out there and I am moving on. The best way to overcome fear is by letting it go.🌬

Confession #3
I will not apologize for what I do. I am so fortunate to have my MLM business. The 9-5 doesn’t work for my family at this time…we made the choice for me to stay home after the boys were born. I loved it, however I missed bringing in some income💸 and communicating with other adults.
So, I will continue to work, I will continue to ask, I will continue to post. I will surround myself with people who support me and my dreams.
I absolutely love these plant based products and I truly believe there is something for everyone. So thank you for your support. I am incredibly blessed.💚💚

I am vain
I am afraid
I am proud
My confessions are true. They were also my way of dispelling some of the myths surrounding what I do.
While there are weight loss supplements, the wraps are NOT one of them. They are an amazing skin care treatment to tighten, tone and firm on any area of your body.
The facial line is amazing. I was a clinique user for years and was reluctant to make the switch. I still love Clinique, but now I love It Works even more.
When I started my business I was terrified. Terrified of what you would say, terrified that people would judge me, terrified to reach out to you. That fear continues to minimize as I see the benefits of the products AND the business. The confidence I have found within me is amazing and it is due to ongoing self growth, being surrounded by people who lift me up and being blessed by God.
I am incredibly proud to be an It Works Distributor. This decision totally changed my life.
So when I ask you to try a product, it is because I know the benefit I obtained. When I ask you to join my team, it is because I believe you would be amazing at this business. I see something in you that you may not even see in yourself yet.
Thank you for believing.

It took courage for me to do so and admit to be afraid.  After all, fear is not something we often talk about.  Let me go even further…this past month has been  very difficult for me and my business.  I have prayed often and put on a happy face for everyone around me.  Businesses are hard.  There will be peaks and valleys and for me, those peaks hit a little harder last month.

I am in it for the long hall and I am not a quitter.  I absolutely LOVE these products and if I didn’t feel so strongly, I wouldn’t be promoting them.  Funks are short lived and we all need to remember that if we don’t take chances, we will never know what we are capable of.  Remember that the next time someone asks you to try a product or join their company.  For you, it may be annoying, for them, it is one way to pay their bills and increase their confidence.