How to cheat Success and make it about YOU!

How to cheat Success and make it about YOU!

I am success. Not successful, rather, a success.

Isn’t that a bold statement?  How dare I put myself out there as being a success? After all, who am I to say that I am more of a success than you are? ME. Seriously, just ME. I am me and I alone know the challenges I have overcome. Click To Tweet I can choose to dwell on them or I can learn from those obstacles and make different choices in the here and now.

Success defined

Let’s talk about the word success. defines success as “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals”.  If I honestly look back on my life and the goals I have achieved, I definitely meet the definition of success.  After all, I graduated from high school.  Trust me that was a success for being the person who rarely attended and dropped every class possible in order to have more time to “hang out”. Shoot, I even went on to attend college and graduate from grad school.

I think where we get caught up on whether we are successful or not may depend upon how competitive we are.  Stay with me here as I explain.  For example, if you neighbor purchases a brand new car and you are green with envy and berate yourself for not being able to afford that car, you may feel as though your neighbor is more of a success than you.

How do you know that said neighbor isn’t looking at your lawn and steaming with rage because his lawn looks so neglected next to yours?  Perhaps he wonders how you are such a success with your landscaping.  You have heard the expression “the grass is greener on the other side” and this is a perfect example of where that came from.  You may be thinking your neighbor has money to waste while he is wishing he had more time to work on his lawn.


Here is another cliché…”life isn’t always as you see it”.  We all view our world through our experiences and our own perception of reality.  Here is also where we need to be careful because our perceived reality may be far from the actual experiences of others.  A little friendly competition is good for the soul; however downright jealousy and lusting for something someone else has is self-deceiving as well as self-defeating.

It’s easy to sit back and wallow in self-pity because we are not where we want to be in our life.  Here is some free advice.  STOP BEING A VICTIM!  You are the result of your experiences; however, it is up to you to change your life.


I am a huge fan of Jen Sincero and I love her forthright honesty in her books (I may also have a little girl crush on her, so bear with me as I proclaim her greatness).  She is no nonsense and has lived through her own decades of doubt and self-destruction.  However, in her book, You are a Badass at Making Money; she spends a great deal of time talking about how we sabotage ourselves when we compare our lives to the lives of others.  Ultimately, her message is simple.  To achieve success, you have to believe that you are success.  I won’t share more of her message, however, I can assure you, it is worth the read!

Self-growth, ongoing education and challenging yourself are all instrumental in moving forward.  Our brains fight hard to hold onto our old thoughts and behaviors and I have referred to these as “old tapes“.  It is only by challenging those thoughts and behaviors that we will ever leave our comfort zones.  One way of doing that is by following people you admire.  No, I don’t mean to literally follow them; I mean follow them on social media, read their books, and watch their podcasts.

Another way to practice self-growth is to practice affirmations.  Find something positive that you absolutely love and paste it everywhere!  Use is as your screensaver and phone screen!  Put it on your bathroom mirror in lipstick and use sticky notes to put those affirmations all over your house and car!  Keep repeating that affirmation and “fake it till you make it.”

Let Go

Part of being a success is letting go of anything that holds you back.  For many of us, this is difficult as we feel guilty for closing doors on relationships.  Imagine this.  You are not closing a door, you are no longer allowing a person to control you or have influence over you. That is different than denying the person your company.

As you move forward, others may become uncomfortable.  As you step out of your comfort zone, you will have to find others who share your same vision.  You are not leaving others behind as much as you are creating a circle of influence to reach your next level.  Don’t be selfish and do not be afraid to reach out.  The truth is, you most likely have something to offer those around you, even if you don’t believe it yet.

Unfortunately, we are typically the last person to see our gifts and believe in ourselves.  When someone compliments you, accept it and file it away in your brain for those moments you are second guessing every decision you make.  In conclusion, let go of the negativity and embrace your dreams.  At the end of the day, it is up to you to make those dreams a reality.











Stop and Madness!

Seriously, take a look through the internet and you will find pictures of every shape and size of people trying to tell you to buy their product in order to lose weight. I admit it, as an It Works Rep, I am continuously making suggestions to my friends about a product that will help them look or feel better.

Did you catch that? Look or Feel better.

Intellectually, I know that beauty comes from within. First and foremost, you have to give your body proper nourishment. As a result of proper nourishment, you can expect beautiful skin, healthy hair and strong nails. Proper nourishment can also help you maintain a healthy gut that will reduce bloating and keep you regular.

The right nutrients will assist you in keeping a strong immune system, and high energy level.  I believe in plant-based products, so when I have a friend who has a need, of course, I want to provide them with the top of the line supplements that will enhance their wellness. If I didn’t share what I believe to be amazing, what kind of friend would I be?

Who am I do decide who is worthy of these products and who isn’t?


Beauty is also subjective. I put out a question the other day on my FB page asking what people thought was sexy. Ironically, the number one response was confidence Click To Tweet. It had little to do with physical attributes at all! So why on earth do we waste so much time worrying about our appearance?

Consider the impact that social media also brings.  We now have a new opportunity to compare ourselves with others. Unfortunately, we rarely know what photo is real and what has been altered. Therefore, unrealistic expectations continue to push us to a new level of frustration and negative thinking. Social media also offers an opportunity to participate in behind the scenes bashing.  We have all been there. Consider when we post a photo that we actually like of our self and someone says something derogatory. From that point on, the majority of us will remove that photo and begin to focus on the aforementioned negative area.

Stop the Madness

Just stop.

I tell myself this daily and honestly, there are days I tell myself that hourly. I am a woman. My body has given me babies. I have endured multiple surgeries and injuries. Yet, because of my physical appearance, I was reluctant to become an It Works Rep or a trainer at my gym. I was worried about how other people would perceive me and my products and services.

Honestly, that pisses me off. I am so irritated that I would allow my own self-perception to limit the impact I may have on others. Yet, I still get frustrated with myself when I am going to meet someone and I can’t find anything that looks “just right”.  I forget that five years ago I was undergoing major surgery that required extensive recovery. Or that 7 years ago I have just given birth.  My body has been through changes that apparently my mind has forgotten.

Embrace YOU

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. For instance, I LOVE my skin care line because it makes my skin look and feel fresh and glowing. However, globally, there is a sense of shame in wanting to do things to enhance our beauty. Seriously, what kind of crap is that? Why is it that we are shamed if we don’t look a certain way. When did it become the norm to be judged if we don’t fit into a certain size, and why are mocked for wanting to look and feel amazing?

I call bullshit.

Here is my advice.  Be comfortable in your skin. Enhance what make YOU stand out from the crowd. Let yourself be pampered. You work hard and you deserve some love too. Stop letting comparison steal your joy. When you continue to worry about your appearance, you lose out on the moments happening before your eyes. Stop the madness.


Personally, I have vacillated between 115 and 175 my adult life. Could I be a size 5? Probably. However, I am NOT willing to give up the things I enjoy and revert back to skin and bones. As a mom, I don’t want my boys to see an unhealthy person who is always so worried about my appearance that I won’t share that delicious dessert with them.

I want them to see me as a determined woman who works hard at her businesses and who works out because I want to be strong. They have watched me use my wraps and understand them to be a skin care treatment (which they are). They see my passion for helping others and my focus on being healthy and strong.

So, my friends, mock away. I love when I see memes regarding no wraps, pills or gimmicks. I know what it takes to become stronger…it takes exercising and watching what you eat. Additionally, I know that many people need some help overcoming a plateau or to feel less guilty after a cheat meal. Honestly, I don’t care what you have to do to focus on your own wellness, just do something and believe you are worth it.

Because you are!


Passion Prevails with Bonnie Eisenhart

Passion Prevails with Bonnie Eisenhart

For the majority of us, as we grow older and life becomes busier, we lose sight of our passions.  In this regard, Bonnie Eisenhart is no exception.  From a young age, she was an avid dancer and studied jazz, tap and ballet.  Growing older, she also found a deep seated love of musical theater.  As a result, Bonnie derived immense satisfaction from being on stage and engaging her audience.  Little did she know she would once again be the center of attention with The Barre Code and have her passion reignited.

Upon graduating from high school, Bonnie attended Carthage College in Wisconsin.  Here, Bonnie studied Business while actively participating in both her sorority and the College dance team. These experiences provided a sense of belonging and a flurry of never ending activities.  Graduation brought a move to Chicago and employment in the corporate world where she specialized in property management and functioned within a Global Researching company.  Consequently, as she learned more about business, she found herself missing the social interactions from her former activities.  Therefore, while she was growing professionally, she also felt as though she were lagging in other areas of her life.

Inspiration from The Barre Code

After leaving work one day back in 2010, Bonnie walked by The Barre Code in Chicago and was intrigued.  She was instantly hooked and as a result she began instructing classes 3 months later.   Finally, she discovered what had been missing in her life.  The relationships, the movements, in addition to her own personal growth.  As a result of walking through those days, she discovered what was in her heart, prompting her to continue working in both the corporate and for The Barre Code.  During this time, she studied and within the next 18 months, she was a master trainer.

Fast forward two years and introduce an incredible fiance and a move to Omaha, Nebraska.  With a little research, Bonnie discovered The Barre Code Dundee and reached out.  She was hired with the studio as a Master Trainer, instructing both classes and instructors. These experiences provided the stepping stones to her next adventure.  Hence, in 2017, Bonnie will be opening her own studio, The Barre Code West Omaha.  This will be the place where she will combine her passion and expertise to provide an eclectic wellness program for all ages.

Why Now?

For Bonnie, this is the right place and the right time for her to rise to her next level.  Because The Barre Code is a franchise, she already has corporate support.  In addition to Corporate and her own personal experiences, she now has the ability to create an empowering space designed for all fitness abilities.  With a personal belief in balance, Bonnie understands that moderation is the key to optimum happiness and is careful to balance her own personal life.  Therefore she makes sure to spend quality time with her new husband and her adorable puppy.  In addition, here’s a little known fact, Bonnie is an avid ice cream connoisseur, an indulgence she enjoys to balance her love for fitness.

Why The Barre Code?

Bonnie loves that The Barre Code is designed to meet the unique needs of a women’s body.  The Barre Code provides a low impact workout that can be modified for each individual’s own ability level.   She understands that building strength is imperative for women, particularly as they age, for the prevention of osteoporosis. The entire workout combines cardio, strength training and restoration, allowing a full body workout for optimum benefits.  Of particular importance are the core muscles, which are imperative for good posture, proper form and maintaining balance.

While she instructs her students, Bonnie is carefully monitoring her class participants on proper form.  Therefore she is always ensuring safety and good positioning, again which are critical for optimum function. By doing this, she ensures her client’s increase muscle strength while also building a trusting relationship with her, their instructor.

Why Bonnie?


Bonnie! Passion and Leadership Prevail!

Bonnie derives energy from her students.  She also believes in 3 key elements of instructing:

  • Courtesy – courtesy is extended to every person who enters her studio.  It can be seen between trainers, between trainers and students and among the students themselves.
  • Communication – communication is critical to provide a safe environment.  Bonnie is excellent at letting her students know what to expect, how many reps are left, and encourages each person to push harder.
  • Proactive vs reactive – knowing her students and understanding their individual needs helps Bonnie to teach each student to the best of their own ability.  Honesty is key in building those relationships that allow her to provide her best service possible.

Bonnie admits to being held to high standard by her students.  By holding her to high standards, she is pushed to continually improve upon herself and her skills.  Subsequently, seeing her clients exhilarated after a workout exhilarates Bonnie, also.  As a result, the student’s responses push her to work harder, to push herself more, and to ultimately become a better version of herself.

The Promise

Bonnie extends a promise to each of her students.  She promises that when each and every one of you walk out of her class, you will feel great! How?  She does this by EMPOWERING her students.  Each student is in complete control of their workout while being led by a specially trained instructor.  Upon completion of the workout, each student is guided through a cool down period to prepare them for re-entry into the outside world.

Leaving the studio, you will feel stronger and may even stand taller.  Often, first and second time students feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and have an intense desire to return for more.  The Barre Code provides a safe place for women of all ages to become stronger, leaner, and participate in a community of like-minded people. Let Bonnie's drive empower you to find your next fitness home with The Barre Code West. Click To Tweet

Furthermore, you can find out more about Bonnie and The Barre Code West at:   You may also follow Bonnie on FaceBook for updates on the new studio and follow her evolution.  Feel free to message her and join the mailing list for promotions and special events!  Finally, simply send her a message and introduce yourself to begin the next leg of your fitness journey!



Confidence, Look Within

Confidence, Look Within

Want to know something? I am just like you.  I am a person who feels and worries.  I make mistakes and I struggle. I wonder what others think about me probably the one thing we have most in common is that I lie to myself…wait, what?

How We Lie to Ourselves

While on the outside I smile and usually appear to have it all together, on the inside I question myself.  Furthermore, I question my actions, therefore occasionally worrying about how others will perceive me.  As a result, I have held myself back from my potential.  I have allowed myself to be content, and to become complacent.

When we listen to those old tapes that play endlessly in our brains, we give them power over our actions.  In most cases we are not even aware of their nonstop chatter.

If you don’t think you have them, do this:

  1. Set a time for one minute.
  2. Sit comfortably.
  3. Breathe slowly, in and out.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Think of a dream you have always had but never went after.

60, 59, 58……10, 3, 2, 1.

Why haven’t you followed those dreams?  What was the little voice inside your head telling you?  That you can’t do it? Perhaps you don’t deserve it or rather you aren’t qualified to do it? As a result of those old tapes, many of us have stopped dreaming and allowed life to happen around us, rather than within us. (To learn how to identify those old tapes, go here)

Now What?

Now I want you to envision what your life would have been like had you gone after your dreams…what do you see? How do you feel?

Want to know a secret?  It’s not too late.  Remember Grandma Moses, the famous painter?  She began painting in her 70’s. When most of her friends were sitting idly in the nursing homes watching the minutes ticking by, she developed a new passion and created beauty for nearly 25 years.  What made her different?  I am not sure, but I would guess that she told those old tapes to go F__K themselves.

You have the power to do the same.  You don’t have to settle for less than you were created to be. The phrase “fake it till you make it” makes sense.  When you don’t feel the confidence, you stand tall, put a smile on your face and go for it.  People may scoff, people may laugh and so what?  Let me fill you in on another little known fact.  The people who are doing the mocking are the same ones who are too afraid to take a leap themselves.  If they see you fail, it will reinforce their own insecurities.

Confidence Within

The most successful people I know work hard and put their blinders on.  They don’t care what other people have to say.  If they do feel hurt, they don’t show their pain.  The smile stays and their life moves forward. They have already developed the ability to fake it till they make it and their actions are proof of their determination.

Who do you admire? What characteristics do they have that draws you to them? Imagine what would happen if you mimic their behaviors and with your own twist.  Watch how your life changes thus increasing your confidence with each successful step. Will you ever fail?  Probably, but then again is it really a failure if you learn from it?

In conclusion, just go for it and drop me a line letting me know how you feel! After all, I believe in you!


Dreams are for Quitters

Dreams are for Quitters

Are you a dreamer?  Do you still have dreams for your future or did you allow your ability to dream to die when you began “adulting”. Why is it that as child, almost all of us were told we can be absolutely anything in the world, but as adults, we are pigeon holed into a specific  category.  First of all, who decided that? And why did we think it was OK to go along with that plan?  Seems like we are the ones who have lost out.

Have you ever just sat quietly and listened to children play?  I love when they engage in dramatic play and allow themselves to stray off into unknown worlds.  They aren’t limited by conceptual thinking…therefore, they don’t care if someone tells them that is impossible…children believe in their world and as a result, they bring it to life!


This is not about the dreams we have when we sleep.  I am talking about the deepest pull within your soul telling you to do more and to be more.  Think back to when you were a child.  What did you want to be when you grew up? I initially wanted to be a singer…unfortunately, I can’t carry a tune, but I still sing loudly and proudly.

I also wanted to be a writer, but you know what?  I gave up on that dream for years.  Hence, I got lost in the world of expectations and let my dreams flit away.  Every once in a while, I would write a poem or newsletter article and every time I did, that fire started burning a little stronger.  One day I couldn’t suppress that dream anymore and I took a chance on a job interview and history was changed. Today, I still want to write a book, and as a result,  I believe that is going to happen. However, had I suppressed my dreams, seems like I would be blocking out a large portion of who I am.

Rekindle Your Fire

If you have let your flame burn out, you can get it back.  How?

  • Rekindle your romance with your passion.  Think back to what makes you come alive and do that!
  • Allow yourself some downtime to just BE.  Stop over-scheduling yourself with things you don’t want to do and events your don’t want to participate in.  Say no to others and yes to yourself.  Just BE and allow your thoughts to wander…what are you drawn to?
  • Revisit a craft.  Are you musically inclined?  Do you enjoy coloring? Are you a great singer? Did you used to journal? Do it again! Pick up the pencil, hum a tune, or go build something!
  • Take a class.  Sign up for a pottery or painting class.  Challenge yourself and revisit your senses, therefore allowing yourself to travel back in time and open those  locked doors within yourself.

Love Yourself

Too often we stop dreaming because we have convinced ourselves that we aren’t worthy of success.  Somewhere someone may have told us we weren’t good enough.  Don’t let someone else dictate your future, it’s not theirs to do so.  Allow yourself to dream and most of all, be kind to yourself.  Finally, God gave you a talent, consequently, it is your job is to tap into that talent and share it with others.


“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.”
– Mae Jemison

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

Grief, It’s the Little Things

Grief, It’s the Little Things

Contrary to what people think about GRIEF, it’s the little things.  It’s not one giant reminder that propels us into a cascade of tears.

It’s the ornament forgotten in the box.  The musical globe unpacked from the Christmas tub.  The long forgotten shirt hidden in the back of a closet.  It’s the inability to text with a question or sarcastic comment.  It’s the memory of a long ago childhood that has been carefully tucked away.

Grief, 5 Stages

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross identified 5 stages of grief that must be gone through in order to move forward.  I don’t think we ever recover, we just learn to live a new normal with a void in our lives.  I have abbreviated the steps for this post, however for more information, follow this link.

*Denial – we have all been victims to denial.  This is especially true when we have lost someone we love.  Words such as “no, no, no, or in my case, “Mike Who” inevitably come out of our mouths as we try to convince ourselves that couldn’t have happened.  We tell ourselves and others anything to create the illusion that what is happening isn’t real.

*Anger – We become angry…sometimes at the person, sometimes at the world.  Furthermore, we question why that person would have been in that specific situation, why they didn’t help themselves, or why we didn’t help them.  Anger is debilitating and often comes alongside guilt.

*Bargaining – We play mind games with ourselves and try to make deals with God.  We think “if I can do this and that, than he will be OK” and so forth.

*Depression – heart wrenching, deep and dark feelings of emptiness or pain.  Feeling as though the world will never be the same…and it won’t, however being in the present hurts, so it is easier to live in memories.

*Acceptance – you understand the loss is real and recognize the your life has changed.  While you realize you will move forward, it is one small step at a time before you begin to find your new normal.

A New Normal

Many of us don’t like change.  We become comfortable in our predictable lives , therefore anything that occurs to underscore that normalcy is difficult.  When we lose someone we love, it seems like everything in our lives feels in chaos.  The predictability of a text, a phone call or cry in the night is gone.  The ability to walk into the kitchen and see our loved one has vanished.  Their smell, touch and the sound of their voice is just gone.

Consequently, a new normal is what life looks like after that loss.  While looking at us from from the outside it may not appear to be terribly different, however on the inside, many of us are forcing ourselves to get out of bed and face the day. Hence, others don’t see the struggle to go to the store and not shop for something special for our lost loved one, or see the sad smile as a long forgotten song begins to play.

A new normal means something different for everyone. With the holidays, keep in mind that not everyone will be celebrating this year.   Respect your friend who has no desire to put out a Christmas Tree.  Let them do things their way.  Let them grieve.  Share their memories and let them keep their loved ones alive.

Circle of Life

If only the Circle of Life was as easy as watching a Disney Move; consequently, we cry, we laugh, we go on with our day. The circle of life continues everyday; however, it seems like some days are just more difficult than others.  Shoot, maybe some moments are more difficult than others.  Don’t personalize your friend, for sometimes the anger is overwhelming and you are the unwilling outlet.  Consequently, forgive them and just let them be as they learn how to live their new normal.

And most of all, to everyone who is learning to find their new normal, God bless.  Do what you need to do for you.  Hold the little things close, and the memories of your loved once closer.  Furthermore, I give you permission to grieve your own way.