Stop and Madness!

Seriously, take a look through the internet and you will find pictures of every shape and size of people trying to tell you to buy their product in order to lose weight. I admit it, as an It Works Rep, I am continuously making suggestions to my friends about a product that will help them look or feel better.

Did you catch that? Look or Feel better.

Intellectually, I know that beauty comes from within. First and foremost, you have to give your body proper nourishment. As a result of proper nourishment, you can expect beautiful skin, healthy hair and strong nails. Proper nourishment can also help you maintain a healthy gut that will reduce bloating and keep you regular.

The right nutrients will assist you in keeping a strong immune system, and high energy level.  I believe in plant-based products, so when I have a friend who has a need, of course, I want to provide them with the top of the line supplements that will enhance their wellness. If I didn’t share what I believe to be amazing, what kind of friend would I be?

Who am I do decide who is worthy of these products and who isn’t?


Beauty is also subjective. I put out a question the other day on my FB page asking what people thought was sexy. Ironically, the number one response was confidence Click To Tweet. It had little to do with physical attributes at all! So why on earth do we waste so much time worrying about our appearance?

Consider the impact that social media also brings.  We now have a new opportunity to compare ourselves with others. Unfortunately, we rarely know what photo is real and what has been altered. Therefore, unrealistic expectations continue to push us to a new level of frustration and negative thinking. Social media also offers an opportunity to participate in behind the scenes bashing.  We have all been there. Consider when we post a photo that we actually like of our self and someone says something derogatory. From that point on, the majority of us will remove that photo and begin to focus on the aforementioned negative area.

Stop the Madness

Just stop.

I tell myself this daily and honestly, there are days I tell myself that hourly. I am a woman. My body has given me babies. I have endured multiple surgeries and injuries. Yet, because of my physical appearance, I was reluctant to become an It Works Rep or a trainer at my gym. I was worried about how other people would perceive me and my products and services.

Honestly, that pisses me off. I am so irritated that I would allow my own self-perception to limit the impact I may have on others. Yet, I still get frustrated with myself when I am going to meet someone and I can’t find anything that looks “just right”.  I forget that five years ago I was undergoing major surgery that required extensive recovery. Or that 7 years ago I have just given birth.  My body has been through changes that apparently my mind has forgotten.

Embrace YOU

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. For instance, I LOVE my skin care line because it makes my skin look and feel fresh and glowing. However, globally, there is a sense of shame in wanting to do things to enhance our beauty. Seriously, what kind of crap is that? Why is it that we are shamed if we don’t look a certain way. When did it become the norm to be judged if we don’t fit into a certain size, and why are mocked for wanting to look and feel amazing?

I call bullshit.

Here is my advice.  Be comfortable in your skin. Enhance what make YOU stand out from the crowd. Let yourself be pampered. You work hard and you deserve some love too. Stop letting comparison steal your joy. When you continue to worry about your appearance, you lose out on the moments happening before your eyes. Stop the madness.


Personally, I have vacillated between 115 and 175 my adult life. Could I be a size 5? Probably. However, I am NOT willing to give up the things I enjoy and revert back to skin and bones. As a mom, I don’t want my boys to see an unhealthy person who is always so worried about my appearance that I won’t share that delicious dessert with them.

I want them to see me as a determined woman who works hard at her businesses and who works out because I want to be strong. They have watched me use my wraps and understand them to be a skin care treatment (which they are). They see my passion for helping others and my focus on being healthy and strong.

So, my friends, mock away. I love when I see memes regarding no wraps, pills or gimmicks. I know what it takes to become stronger…it takes exercising and watching what you eat. Additionally, I know that many people need some help overcoming a plateau or to feel less guilty after a cheat meal. Honestly, I don’t care what you have to do to focus on your own wellness, just do something and believe you are worth it.

Because you are!


They lied – A MLM mom Confession

They lied – A MLM mom Confession

I am THAT mom.  Four years ago I signed up to be an It Works Rep and I have a confession, several, actually.  I absolutely love what I do!  That being said, this business isn’t for the faint of heart.  Intrigued?  Read on.

Confession, They lied

If someone tells you this business is easy, they are flat out lying to you Click To Tweet Unless you love hearing the word NO twenty times a day.  If you are afraid of what others think of you, this business probably isn’t for you.  And if you can’t handle people not returning your messages, texts or calls. you may need to look at working somewhere else.


Let me tell you It is not easy money either.  The money does not just fall into your lap.  You will not get rich within one month.  Of course, there are always the exceptions, those who rise to the top quickly, and their stories are phenomenal!  But they are not the norm.  It takes practice, it takes belief, and it takes determination.  The majority of people quit before they even give it a chance.

Confession, It’s Worth It

Is it worth it?  YES!  I will emphatically tell you yes, it is.  WHEN you choose to invest in yourself ( because let’s be honest, when you purchase a business, you are investing in you) the benefits far outweigh the negatives.  In most instances, when you purchase your business, you also purchase training and support.  IF you actually do your training (the majority do not) and IF you connect with your company and your team (the majority do not), your will be on your way to an amazing journey.

You will learn to integrate your business into your life.  You will have opportunities to stretch yourself in ways you never before considered.  In most cases, you will have the chance to connect with people who share your ideal goals and you can learn from watching them in action.

How do you choose?

This may be the most difficult part of your journey.  How do you choose a business that is right for you?  In my experience, the following are key to success:

  • love the products – you must love your products in order to passionately share your results with others.  For me, it is similar to recommending a favorite food or service.  When I find something I love, I feel the need to share it with the world!  After all, everyone should have the opportunity to be as happy as I am!
  • research the company – While many people love to join a company that is starting up, I advise looking for an established one. You can find positive and negative reviews for anything and you need to look past those.  For me, a key point was that my company was debt free and had been for years.  They continue to try to do the same for their distributors.  I also loved that this company is Christian based and I had the opportunity to see this for myself.
  • unique product – Having a product that can only be purchased through you will help you to stand out.  It is far more difficult to sell something that can be purchased at the local department store.  Represent something that is unique.
  • pray about it – it’s scary to make the launch into being a business owner and it isn’t to be taken lightly.  Before I signed on, I researched, talked with my other half and prayed for guidance.  Truth be told, I still do today because my business is about so much more than just me.
  • consider the financial investment – some companies offer a minimal start up fee.  While that may be appealing, be sure you are on board with the products being sold, or you will be throwing your money away.  Look at the compensation plan (it may not make sense when you first look at it, but over time, it will).  You want to be able to make your initial investment back.
  • understand residual income – this is one of the key draws of direct sales.  After all, don’t we all love the opportunity to earn money over and over after one sale?

Confession – It is a Process

You can and should do all of your training, however, the best way for you to be successful is to be consistent.  Trust your upline, your sponsor, your team to guide you.  You will say stupid things that you wish you could take back and that’s ok, it humanizes you.
Self-growth will take you farther than success in your business…it will make your more confident in every aspect of your life.
A brick and mortar store typically takes 5-7 years to see profits.  You can see profits from your Multi level marketing business so much faster by making the decision to work.
So take the chance.  You will never know what you are capable of if you stay in the shadows and watch everyone else.  After all, you are worth it so take charge of your own destiny!



Join Me!

4 yours as investment in ME! Confessions of an MLM mom
stop playing the i can’t song

stop playing the i can’t song




Stop.  Just stop.  If only I could have you jot down a check mark for every time you allow yourself to think the words “I CAN’T”!  I would also like to have a dollar for every time you said those words out loud. I am pretty sure I would be rich. (more…)