In life there will be some people who just don’t like you.

Doesn’t matter who you are…

Doesn’t matter what you’ve done…or NOT done.

Doesn’t matter what kind of clothes you wear or job you have.

Some people will just not like you.

Everyone of us has our own perception of reality.  We can argue about our differences and try to convince the other person that our perception is correct, however it will be futile. With some people, their minds are made up and it makes no difference if their perception is based upon facts.

Because perception is reality.

However, as I get older (and wiser) I have learned that often those perceptions are based upon personal insecurities.  Often what we don’t like in others are the very things that we don’t like in ourselves.  It becomes so much easier to point fingers at someone else, than to look within ourselves and try to make those changes.

So where does that put us?

Not everyone is going to like you.  And you know what?  That’s okay. When we allow external forces to direct how we feel about ourselves, we will always come up short.  We will never live up to other people’s expectations, nor should we try to.

One of my favorite quotes is: “always be kinder than necessary; everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about”.  We don’t know what happens inside another person’s home, their relationships, or in their head.

God made each of us as individuals.  How we feel about ourselves should be based on knowing that we were made by God, just as we were meant to be.  So let’s open the boundaries around our perceptions and recognize that not everything is as it seems. Remember, your perception of someone may not be their reality, and that’s between them and God.