Back to School Shopping

I get it…we all wait until the last week of summer to shop for our kid’s school supplies.  Even though we know it’s coming, we still put it off. We laugh at those who have it done in June and we smugly remind ourselves that we are shopping extraordinaire.

So, with one week left until school starts, we grab our list and head to the nearest store for our supplies.  Parking is easy enough and we bravely head into the store to find out that every other person in the parking lot is also in the school supplies section.

Sound familiar?  After taking a deep breath (or several) and dodging multiple people, too many shopping carts, and finding too many empty spaces in the aisles, this is what I have determined.  People have forgotten shopping etiquette…so let me refresh your memory.

5 ways to piss off your fellow shoppers

Here is a list of how to piss off everyone around you while school shopping.

  1. Charge through the store with a determination that cannot be questioned.  Put your blinders on and ignore everyone around you.
  2. Push your cart on the left side of the aisle and AGAINST traffic.
  3. Leave your cart unattended on the left side and AGAINST traffic.
  4. Forget your manners.  When you accidentally cut in front of someone, don’t say excuse me…keep blazing that trail to nowhere.
  5. Don't look when you exit an aisle. This one is always fun. It's like playing Pacman with shopping carts. How many people can you peg off? And bonus points for the cherry! Click To Tweet

A little etiquette lesson

Seriously, people…we shouldn’t have to take a Xanax before heading out to school shop.  A little etiquette and courtesy go a long way. And quite honestly?  We probably deserve to have a little extra stress on us since we do the same fricken thing every year.  It isn’t a surprise that August means back to school.  However, maybe next year, we will be the ones done shopping in June.





How was your back to school shopping experience this year?

Were you done in June or did you wait until the last minute like I did?  I would love to have your feedback!